Wednesday, September 14, 2011

ok, now number 3!
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and number 3!

the first one went through and was readable, here is the second one--third next.
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This is just a retread of the old "Fight The Smears" website in 2009. Then last year they remade it into an email addy, which was very soon removed after the initial ridicule. Here's what I have sent them so far: (I did not think to take pictures till after the second send), so in the first one, I ecall sending this:
"Great site, love the red and black--the only thing it's missing is the swastikas--and the [sic] Gestappo officers who will round those of us up who refuse to buy the bullshit--and anyone half a good as Josef Goebbels to run this website."
The second one was witty and also referenced the Gestapo.
The remaining ones are photographed here: