Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Taxes in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte NC) are the WORST in the COUNTRY! Our GAS tax is at 27¢ per gallon, the documented HIGHEST in the SOUTHEAST, and the highest in the nation save Hawaii and D.C. (Yup, California was lower than us (GO ARNIE!).

I moved here from Panama Shitty FL, in the Redneck Riviera, where the employers pay the least amount they cam get away with. Well, FL has a 6% State sales tax on all consumer goods excepting groceries, and Bay County has a 1.5% sales tax on the same items. I think there was a gas tax of around 2% for the strict purpose of road repairs, either that or it was a proposal (one I think is not unreasonable).

Well, these redneck idiots in Bay County ran me off cuzza the "good-old-boys" method of Law Enforcement. Well, I thought I was drinking enough with the locals to have become a "good ol' boy" myself, but as it turns out, these hospitable Southerners would turn on you as soon aqs would a Pit Bull dog. Guess they don't appreciate Yankee humor!

Oh, and like Charlotte needs another fucking arena! What the fuck was wrong with the Colliseum? NOTHING! They are going to implode it! More taxpayer (id est FOOL) dollars!

Listen to Keith Larsen, Jason Lewis (the one true Voice of Reason), and Rush Limbsugh weekdays on 1110AM WBT
I am a follower of the APPRENTICE shows on NBC, and I gotta say that the WishBone website is screwed as I can not enter the =contest after 2 hours. I just want another corporate screwup on record -- off to sleep now! G-night!

Monday, October 17, 2005

On Saturday, October 15, 2005, I saw live on FoxNews ( a riot unfolding in Toledo, Ohio. Why? It was reported that earlier, a white supremacist group calling themselves "America's Nazi Party" had come to Toledo from West Virginia for the purpose of making a march along a planned and proposed route for the purpose of protesting violence from black gang members against white residents. The local Toledo contingent was also to take part.

From what I understand, the Nazi skinhead racist assholes were denied the parade permit (and not rightly so, but the Mayor of Toledo did cede that he could not have kept them from walking on the sidewalks), and just before the planned march the Nazi wankers were asked to just go home, and they did. Yup, they all just got in their cars, and left--departed the scene.

One quarter mile away (640 feet, 213-1/3 yards, 195 meters) away, black protestors began trashing "da 'hood" for whatever reason, I know not what. The PRESS knows not why. NOBODY knows WHY! Read the story for yourself,2933,172379,00.html
See the video

So, since the "White Devil" had been disbursed, and had departed the scene, why in the f**k did the idiot nig-nogs do what they did? Are blacks REALLY THAT STUPID? I refuse to believe that they are! They did it a full quarter-mile from the cracker-ass cracker bastards, and at least 15 minutes AFTER they had DEPARTED!!! WTF?!?!?

I saw the live footage of the nig-nigz tearing down that fence at the gas station -- they ALL looked like MONKEYS at the ZOO going APE-SHIT! The only thing I did NOT see them do that would be different from a monkey was to FLING POO!!!

Go ahead, call me a racist! Fuck you. I DARE you to properly use the word "niggardly" in a sentence! You ignorant fuck! (Or is that "ignant"?) Yeah, whatever.

Look at the FoxNews Video Here is an excerpt from the end of the story.
«Keith White, a black resident, criticized city officials for allowing the march in the first place.
"They let them come here and expect this not to happen?" said White, 29.» Point in fact, the parade permit was denied.

Read the Story!,2933,172379,00.html

Immediately what came to mind was WATTS [ , ]
and Detroit [], and to a lesser extent New Orleans (mostly looting, and most of that for food and water, and not so much rioting (the BIG PRESS was WRONG)).

Anyway, it got me to thinking, "when was the last time WHITE people rioted"?

Sure, it is a racist question. Why shouldn't it be?

When WAS the last time honky caused a stink?

I thought it was a valid trivia question, if nothing else. So I got to tinking, and thinking real hard.

I arrived at May 4, 1886. The Haytmarket Riots in Chicago []. These riots began because Chicago Police killed 2 protestors and injured several others after a "bomb" (likely a Molitov cocktail if anything) was thrown at them, and they opened fire on the crowd. The crowd was picketing in favor of the 8-HOUR WORKDAY, rather than the 12 to 14 hour workday.

So I ask you, when was the last time whitey (honky, slave-devil master, destroyed property for the sake of destroying property, just to vent some collective rage, since 1886?

I dare you to reply with verifiable data that he did!