Wednesday, March 26, 2008

There is not ONE worthy candidate for POTUS! The Hildebeast and O-BOMB-A are out automatically, but after McCain's speech yesterday, there is no viable candidate.

McCain wants to let the UN decide our fate. He believes in the global warming hoax. He thinks we should talk more with our enemies (diplomacy). Yeah, whatever. I guess that would have borne a lot of tread with Hitler, Hirohito, or Mussolini. We see what that did with Khaddafi and Hussein. We need to repeat historical lessons and deliver the same message to Achmadjinijad (or however you spell it). McCain says we need to close G'itmo, ans we need to stop torture--he is operating on the premise that we torture, which we do not. If I was given the dilemma of waiting tables in a restaurant for one shift, with ingrown toenails and too-tight shoes, or being water boarded for that shift, blindfold me and lay me down! Water boarding is not torture. Furthermore, it is a required training exercise for out elite Armed Forces units (not water boarding, being water boarded). It is training in resisting the enemy. It really surprises me that McCain has this view, since I am sure that he was in fact tortured for real in the Hanoi Hilton. He is just a failed Admiral's son gone liberal.

Barak Hussein Obama is just vacuous, vapid, empty... He never actually says anything. He is a lot like the character Chance the gardener (a/k/a Chancey Gardener, played by Peter Sellers) in the 1979 movie Being There.[movie trailer] All he says is "hope" and "change", and variations such as "change we can believe in". The only change I can believe in can actually be used in vending machines.

And if that were not enough, this so-called "reverend" Jeremiah Wright shows up with hate speech like nobody has heard since the Ku Klux Klan rallies in the 1950's. This guy was Obama's pastor and (according to Barak himself) his "Spiritual Advisor" for over 20 years! One would think that after first choosing this "reverend" and attending his hate-filled "sermons" for all those years, that Barak would hold many of those views himself. Why don't we listen to 3 minutes and 20 seconds of one of these venomous sermons, shall we?

Recently, he threw his "racist white" grandmother under the bus, and then another preacher from Harlem, James David Manning, said that Obama used large-breasted white women to become as popular as he had. Watch that video here Oh, and by the way, Manning, no those were not 54 double D's.

Let's now move on to the Wicked Witch of Illinois, er, Arkansas, er, New York, the Hildebeast! She is a Fascist when it comes to businesses, and a Socialist where health care is concerned.

"The other day the oil companies recorded the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits. And I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to fund alternative smart energy, alternatives and technologies that will actually begin to move us in the direction of independence."

--Hillary Clinton at the DNC's winter meeting, February 2, 2008.

What is not Fascist about that?!? And just why on God's Green Earth would she want to retool a well-functioning health care system? By LAW, patients arriving at any hospital's emergency room can NOT be turned away for ANY reason. Basic health insurance costs about $120 per month ($1440 per year), and $30 out-of-pocket per doctor visit. I have no insurance, and pay only $45 per doctor visit. Since I only go twice a year, $90 a year is cheaper than $1440. Even illegal aliens get free medical attention at our Nation's emergency rooms. I do not want socialized health care. I do not want government mandated health insurance. I want less government intrusion into my personal life, both on a national level, and on state and local levels.

And what about her most recent gaffe? She bold-faced lie about running head-down across a tarmac in Bosnia under sniper-fire? ABC News showed the video. She greeted some people including some children, then walked to the vehicles. The only time she ducked was to get into the car. The pilot who flew here there said she is lying about having been told to sit on a flak jacket, and an alleged evasive maneuver. She, like her husband, is a clinically pathological liar--there is no other way of stating that fact.

I have not missed casting a vote since I turned 18, and doubt that I will miss this one, but I shall have to hold my nose and swallow really hard before casting that ballot for fear of what any of these candidates might do to our Republic. I do not fear that they might divide it, but rather destroy it. And Congress is no help, but that is for another post.

It is said that the ancient Maya calendar ends on December 12, 2012. Some interpret this to be the end of the world, and others say it merely represents the end of a continuing cycle. I tend to agree more with the latter opinion. If true, then any of these three candidates are very likely to see to it that 2012 will be the end of the world as it exists today; by that I mean to say that they will end the current cycle, and usher in phenomenal, huge change. I see this change as the end of Nationalism and the beginning of Globalism. Personally, I see this as a bad thing, as it will be akin to too many chefs stirring the pot. If you think a U.S. Bureaucracy is bad, just wait until you butt heads with a Global Bureaucracy! Do you want Islamic input on whether beer should be legal in the USA? I don't.

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Yahoo Chat is dead. First, they have this major BOT infestation in 2005. Then, to combat that, they make a majot change to signin rules, requiring one to enter an encrypted code. Along with some major difficulties with users being able to sign in, what that caused is a general drop in user activity. Those who were able to endure that challenge and prevail, were meet by a gang of rude Scottish hackers, and other antagonistic hoodlums. But now whenever I sign in to a Yahoo chatroom, all I see is the moderator (another Yahell innovation for anti-bot). No familiar freinds roost there, no strangers either. Alas, Yahoo! chat rooms have become a thing of the past, much like the ARPANET. Oh well.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I just read some stupid article that told me I need to have more tolerance fot Muslims. First off, whoever said I did not have that tolerance? Second, WHY would I not have that tolerance--9/11? Hmmmm? Anyone?!? Okay, so I don't have that tolerance. I think ALL Muslims in the USA should be held in internment camps at taxpayer expense until the "war on terror" is finitely won. Just like the Nips were held in the 40's. It IS in our national interest, and if we do not do it, then we are way vulnerable to future attack just like the 9/11 attack.
Face it, folks, the goatfucker ragheads are seriously out to get us. Perhaps not ALL of them, but certainly enough to question ALL OF THEM! Racial profiling? YOU BET! You will never see a white Aryan GRANNT strapping on a bomb-vest in the name of Islam!!!
ISLAM sucks and ISLAM is EVIL. Mohammed sucked my dick once--that does not make him God! Fuck Muslims! Stick your dick in their assholes if the opportunity presents itself! Muslims are evil camelfuckers! They are Satan's representatives on Earth. Their goal is to see all of Western civilization DEAD. I strongly disagree with that philosophy. I strongly believe that those sand-niggers need to die very soon, and that the rest of the Muslim community need take their nose out of my ass (and by ass I mean buttocks and not mule). Muslim offends me. Fuck your mother if you do not get that concept. Muslim is EVIL because it ANTI MAN. If you disagree, well, go fuck yourself if your dick is long enough.
Fuck muslim dogma