Sunday, September 16, 2012

What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is a-going on here?!? (yes, I am old). I have worked in restaurants consistently at one position or another since 1994, have an Associate in Science degree in Culinary Management, worked my way up from dishwasher to Executive Pastry Chef at a Marriott property (Marriott Bay Pointe in Panama City, FL at 30° Blue Restaurant under Executive Chef Shelly Cooper (a/k/a "smelly pooper", surely fired by now)), and have cleaned flat-top grills (a/k/a "griddles") for several decades now. All of a sudden, there is talk at my job that I must wear a FACE SHIELD whilst cleaning the griddle OR BE FIRED! WTF?!?!?!?!????? It is said that OSHA decreed the rule. This so-called "rule" NEVER moved through Congress (btw, if "con" is the opposite of "pro". then is not "congress" the opposite of "progress"?). Okay, so let me get this. Because some asshole bureaucrat in some asshole agency thinks I need to be borne in bubble-wrap to walk down a hallway to the restroom, AND that I must by REGULATION (NOT LAW -- IMPORTANT POINT HERE) have 248-ply bathroom tissue (TP) so that I will not intentionally inflame the hemorrhoids which I do not have (but MIGHT), and I couldn't poo, but only peed, thus causing me to not need the regulated 248-ply tissue, can I sue? As the potential poo'er? As the mandated 248-ply tissue provider? What about WOMEN'S toilets? Those creatures use toilet paper WHOLESALE! I had a girlfreind, and when she visited, a roll disappeared every other day. Yes, half a roll per day. I bought 2-ply, but if GovCo mandated that I buy 248-ply, I would have had to trade my Ferrari for the 248-ply paper.

I'm Offended

I am sick of the political correctness which has successfully killed the United States of America. Fuck the offended! If that offended you, piss off! Crawl back under your rock, you sissy! Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are "racist"?!? WT?!? Fuck you and the camel you rode in on! Oh, "camel", "that's racist" because it implies ragheads you say? Fine, raghead, GTFO! I put up with your ass when you bombed the parking basement of WTC in 1993, I put up with you on 9/11 but that was the last straw and as of then, I hate you! I never hated anyone before 9/11, but now I hate (or at least distrust) ALL muslims because the good ones keep their fucking mouths shut whenever the hard-core sand-niggers blow shit up! Alkada (and I take pride in misspelling it) can kiss my fat, shitty, monkey-butt asshole! So can the silafists, the wahabis, the sunis, the "muslim brotherhood", and all those PRO-SHARIA PRO-CALIPHATE ass-jerk-offs who desperately need to be killed!
As an American, I desperately want to be left the fuck alone, as did our founding fathers. I no more want King Obama telling me I need to pay a carbon tax than the Founders wanted King George telling them they had to pay a tea tax (that had a big role in the American Revolution, for those of you in Rio Linda (credit to El Rushbo)).
And after this 2012 9/11 with 4 US Embassies attacked on the same day?!? I say KILL ALL PRO-SHARIA MUSLIMS! Did that offend you? GOOD! We are waking up to who our true enemies are. The person who lit my fire this time was Walid Shoebat at who was a member of the "Muslim Brotherhood" and is now sounding the alarms to the Western Civs (yes, US, WAKE THE FUCK UP (to quote Samuel L[iberal] Jackson (fuck him in his asshole till it bleeds))).
I dislike all muslims
I will never trust a muslim
muslims caused that in 2001, because before that I did not know them
They introduced themselves to me with their ambassador Mohammed Atta
we all know what he did.
If you are a sand nigger and want to debate with me your stupid, fucked-up "religion", a religion in which you denigrate females (without whom you could never procreate -- oh, nevermind, y'all rape them when they're 14), then respond, oh ye dickless fucks!
If you want to call me a "racist", go the fuck ahead! That word--"racist"--no longer holds meaning in the English language. If a PB&J is "racist", then so are white socks, and for that matter, so are black socks. What about argyle socks? Probably racist as well. I can only conclude that anyone claiming racism is a racist. Fuck all y'all, I need another beer and a shot. Then another shot. This country is lost.
It's lost to the politics of "who has it the worst in the perception of the news viewers"?
Most "TV9 at 6 News" (or whoever) viewers don't generally care much beyond the local stuff like a fire at 4th and Main (hey, that's near my local sandwich shop). They hear that the sandwich shop survived the fire and that is where they buy lunch the next day (God bless them).
I will put this up for review and scrutiny
Fuck you "allah" (he is ay and sucks only uncircumcised dicks
Jehovah is the one I grew up with
and even he is suspect
piss off, all!