Books! Everyone has a book! Books are wonderful, don't misread me, but most people won't spend the time to read a whole book. However, the interested will take the time to read a pamphlet, or a news article, or a blog.
We bloggers are the new Pamphleteers! We are today doing what Thomas Paine did before our Revolution. We put the truth in print; today's print is the blogs, yesteryear's print was the Pamphlet. Think back to 1773, a time before the Tea Party (the original Boston Tea Party).
We bloggers are the new Pamphleteers! We are today doing what Thomas Paine did before our Revolution. We put the truth in print; today's print is the blogs, yesteryear's print was the Pamphlet. Think back to 1773, a time before the Tea Party (the original Boston Tea Party).